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hello i enjoyed this a lot, the movement feels very fun, the flipping in the air is insane and made me naeseous lol. i would love to see an actual game that uses this.
having bigger targets than the lanterns to hit would be nice too, so that i wouldnt have to spend so long lining up the shot, which detracts from the otherwise fluid mechanics.

also! i think you should change the sky from being a single colour to maybe having some like planets and stars in it so that its easier to track my orientation while im flipping around :)

Thank you so much for your feedback!!
I'll make sure to fix the issues, I'm currently working on a weapon system and making the actual gameplay. Would love to hear your opinion on the enemies (the flying skulls) and slow-motion as I'm planning on removing it for the dynamics. I'm currently deciding on the exact art style and thinking about the sky aswell.
Thank you again for taking the time to check the game out!! It means a lot)

i think that removing or at least lessening the slow motion is a good idea. the skulls arent very fun in this demo because they arent being used for anything, i imagine theyd be fine in a different context